My 1 Year Anniversary

25 Sep

July marked my 1 year anniversary of living in Alaska.  This called for a celebration!  I had moved to the frozen far north and I had survived!  Not only had I survived, but I had made great friends, taken excellent care of my little igloo, grown a garden, memorized many facts about Alaska and convinced more than a few people that I really was an Alaskan woman!  To commemorate this momentous occasion, I made a delicious chocolate cake from scratch and served it with fresh raspberries, which I picked from my in-laws’ garden.  If I do say so myself, the cake would’ve made any frontierswoman proud!

Even though I feel like I’ve won Survivor Alaska this past year (because I’m still here!), according to my hometown honey, the jury is still out as to whether or not I’m a cheechako (an Alaskan newbie) anymore.  To help this so-called jury out, my hometown honey drafted a not so fair and balanced Cheechako Test for me.  I’m guessing most Alaskans would have fared worse than I did!  Maybe it was my hometown honey’s way of implying I need more time here on the tundra!

Here’s how I did.  If you’d like to take the test (I highly suggest you native female Alaskans do so I have some objective comparisons) have someone read the questions to you as the answers follow.  To add insult to injury, my husband made me look up all the answers myself!



  1. Alaska was purchased from whom in what year?
    • Libby: Russia, 1873 (I was so close! I think I should get 1.5 points for this 2-point question, but I’ll give myself 1.)
    • Correct Answer: Russian Empire, 1867
  2. Who was left on the banks of the Chena River in 1901 and later set up a Trading Post, founding Fairbanks?
    • Libby: E.T. Barnette (That was a give-me.  1 point!)
    • Correct Answer: E.T. Barnette
  3. What was his wife’s name?
    • Libby: Really, Dave?   Millie.  To be fair, he did give me a hint – her name is the name of a pass near Summit Lake.  Thanks for that.
    • Correct Answer: Isabelle
  4. Felix Pedro discovered gold in 1902, who was his partner?
    • Libby: He teamed up with E.T. Barnette, that’s all I know.  I’m thinking you want me to fail…
    • Correct Answer: Tom Gilmore
  5. Who was Fairbanks named after?
    • Libby: A governor?  Some political person I’m sure.
    • Correct Answer: Charles Fairbanks, a Republican senator from Indiana (Dave wasn’t even positive about this answer!)
  6. Who was the first president to visit Alaska?
    • Libby: Harding.  (His train car is on display in Pioneer Park in Fairbanks. 1 point!)
    • Correct Answer: Warren Harding
  7. Who was the first man to climb Mt. McKinley?
    • Libby: I should know this!  I saw the Mt. McKinley musical at the Salmon Bake in Denali with my aunt and uncle!
    • Correct Answer: Hudson Stuck
  8. One of the largest ________s in the world occurred in Alaska in 1964 what was it?
    • Libby: Earthquake (1 point!)
    • Correct Answer: Earthquake
  9. This occurrence has been given a nickname what is it?  (HINT:  On what day did it happen?)
    • Libby: April…Fool’s Day Earthquake?
    • Correct Answer: The Good Friday Earthquake
  10. Which river over ran her banks in 1967 causing the worst Flood in Alaskan History?
    • Libby: Chena.  (I know this because our little house went through this flood.  1 point!)
    • Correct Answer: Chena
  11. What happened on June 20, 1977?
    • Libby: They finished the pipeline (Close enough!  Dave said he’d give it to me.  1 point!)
    • Correct Answer: First drop of oil flowed through the pipeline
  12. Name the famous Alaskan born on January 12, 1979.
    • Libby: Dave Selle (I was waiting for that one.  1 point!)
    • Correct Answer: Dave Selle


  1. Name two Alaskans who have played pro sports:
    • Libby: Doh! He’s always talking about these people.  I don’t care about cross-country skiers!  Barry Bonds, who played for the Alaska Goldpanners of Fairbanks, and Jewel, who competed on Dancing with the Stars!  (I should get at least 1 point for cleverness!)
    • Correct Answer:  Chad Bentz, a Major League Baseball pitcher for the Cincinnati Reds, and Carlos Boozer, a forward for the NBA’s Utah Jazz (List of Alaska’s Great Athletes)
  2. Is it Pioneer Park or Alaskaland?
    • Libby: Pioneer Park because that’s what it’s been ever since I’ve visited and lived in Alaska. I know you’re trying to trick me!  (1 point.)
    • Correct Answer: Pioneer Park (since 2001). (Dave would argue for Alaskaland.)
  3. What is the first line of the State Song?
    • Libby: Oh Northern flag…with it yellow stars and blue…Sigh. I don’t know despite hearing you sing it many times!
    • Correct Answer:
      • Eight stars of gold on a field of blue –
        Alaska’s flag. May it mean to you
        The blue of the sea, the evening sky,
        The mountain lakes, and the flow’rs nearby;
        The gold of the early sourdough’s dreams,
        The precious gold of the hills and streams;
        The brilliant stars in the northern sky,
        The “Bear” – the “Dipper” – and, shining high,
        The great North Star with its steady light,
        Over land and sea a beacon bright.
        Alaska’s flag – to Alaskans dear,
        The simple flag of a last frontier.
  4. Where does the Yukon Quest start?
    • Libby: Whitehorse or Fairbanks (1 point!)
    • Correct Answer: Whitehorse or Fairbanks
  5. Unlce Ted Stevens often wore a tie with which super hero on it?
    • Libby: Roll of eyes.  Superman.
    • Correct Answer:  The Incredible Hulk  (I could see the Incredible Hulk being a mascot for Alaska.)
  6. What grueling snow machine race is former first Dude Todd Palin renowned for running?
    • Libby: Arctic Man. No the Ice Dog!
    • Correct Answer:  Iron Dog.
  7. When was the last year Alaska cast it’s electoral votes for a Democrat?
    • Libby: 1972?
    • Correct Answer: 1964 for Lyndon Johnson  (Dave wasn’t sure about this answer either!  Does that mean it doesn’t count?!)
  8. The mascot for UAF is the Nanook.  What is a nanook?
    • Libby: Polar Bear (1 point!)
    • Correct Answer: Polar Bear
  9. Name two Iditarod champions.
    • Libby: Jeff King and Lance Mackey.  (It’s a good thing I went to the Huskie Homestead recently for a job!  2 points!)
    • Correct Answer: Jeff King and Lance Mackey (List of Champions)
  10. What is the state bird?
    • Libby: The mosquito!  Just kidding. Ptarmigan.  (At least I didn’t have to spell it – this was an oral test.  1 point!)
    • Correct Answer: Ptarmigan

EXPERIENCES (1 point for each)

  1. Have you seen the aurora borealis?
    • Libby: Yes!  (1 point!)
  2. Have you fished for Salmon or Halibut?
    • Libby: No?
  3. Have you lived through negative 40 weather?
    • Libby: Yes!  (And technically, it’s 40 below!  1 point!)
  4. Have you lived through 80+ degrees in the same year?
    • Libby: Yes!  Thanks be to God!  (1 point!)
  5. Have you actually seen Mt. McKinley?
    • Libby: Yes!  (I saw it yesterday.  1 point!)
  6. Do you grow something that you’ll put up for the winter?
    • Libby: Yes – potatoes, parsnips, tomatoes (as sauce and salsa), lots of blanched and frozen swiss chard, beans and carrots.  (1 point for each?!)
  7. Have you shot a gun (pistol, rifle, shotgun)?
    1. Libby: Yes.  (Did I like it? No!  1 point!)
  8. Have you been to the Arctic Circle?
    • Libby: No?
  9. Have you seen the Yukon River?
    • Libby: No
  10. Have you been bitten by giant mosquitoes?
    • Libby: Yes (1 point!)
  11. Where is your home?
    • Libby: Fairbanks  (I had to smile.  I know that meant a lot to my husband.  100 points!!!)


Libby: 21 points (58%)

Total Possible Points: 36

Well, what do you think?  Did I pass?  Or am I still a cheechako?  I guess I’m probably somewhere in the middle.

There’s always next year.

5 Responses to “My 1 Year Anniversary”

  1. Aunt Paula September 25, 2010 at 6:04 pm #

    You are the best at everything you do so why doubt yourself even a tiny bit now !!! Love and Kisses, Aunt Paula

  2. Ruffle Magazine September 27, 2010 at 9:54 am #

    Personally, I am impressed – but not surprised – you’ve done so well up there! Determination and a constant positive attitude go a long way! Good job!

  3. Lilly September 30, 2010 at 12:36 pm #

    You are well on your way and more informed than me in some areas. Going to the Yukon River and the Arctic Circle should be on next summer’s agenda!

  4. Alison October 6, 2010 at 10:04 pm #

    I was really hoping to get one or two of those quiz questions right, and I did not 😦 I did, however, see Mt. McKinley, just barely 🙂

  5. Phoebe December 15, 2010 at 6:53 pm #

    I’ve been in Alaska 6 yrs and I still didn’t know the answers to some of those questions. Cool blog, I actually came across it trying to do a search for red lobben boots…and then I realized I think I know 2 of the people in your pic up there, small world, lol.

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